Distilled water - purified water vs. bottled water
![Water Filter](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2482/5830613924_e5f8dcea56.jpg)
Distilled or purified water is enough? The distilled / purified is that virtually withdrew all its impurities and minerals and electrolytes through distillation (boiling point of water and the steam condenses back into a clean container), so that all the impurities. Distilled / purified water is good clean water, unfortunately all the minerals and electrolytes are also caught everyone. Distilled / Purified water tends to move slightly acidic to a less healthy bodyState. Post your body in a privileged position for viruses, bacteria and other threats.
Dr. John Sorenson, an authority on mineral metabolism, said: "Minerals in drinking water are lighter and minerals absorbed from food." The creation of "healthy water" means removing harmful agents but keeping the beneficial minerals. Mineralize the water is needed for all cellular functions and if there are no minerals in drinking water your body will strip the minerals from somewherethe rest of your body to suit their needs. While mineral water has many advantages, not all bottled water is equal to or has the same advantages. It 'good to check before buying bottled water is the content of what minerals are available in the beverage industry and absorbency.
Xooma Xtreme X2O I, an all-natural mineral complex when added to water, turn water into fuel a powerful body, hydrate, mineralize and revitalize found. Each bag X2Oactually makes water "wetter" by lowering the surface tension of water molecules. This improves the body's hydration at the cellular level. That is, if your body gets a drink, to drink your cells are the beneficiaries, which is very important for all cellular metabolic processes. Each bag contains 947 mg of calcium X2O highly active, and 34 mg of magnesium over 70 trace elements in nature. These essential minerals and electrolytes are ionic in water allowing them to bequickly and easily absorbed by the body. X2O is the only product of its kind, a negative score RFMOs have a huge advantage over other products tested. What does not mean ORP reading? The lower the reading means that the higher the absorbabilty and availability to the body.
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