Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bangalore-treatment decay kitchen for re-baptized

Bangalore-treatment decay kitchen for re-baptized Tube. Duration : 4.12 Mins.

Waste water from the sink has a high level of organic material from food and oil and fat traditional Indian cuisine. This water can with a simple oil and grease filters and processed for reuse as a garden planted for irrigation. About 30 liters of water per person per day is used in a typical Indian dishes. The first thing to do to capture the oil and grease, which can be taken out occasionally and in a compost pile. The food materialalso allowed to settle and separate from the rest of the water. The remaining water is enriched with oxygen with a small aquarium bubbler. These costs Rs 250 / - and is obviously a Chinese make. It also consumes less than half unit of energy every day. About 100 liters to 120 liters of water can be treated and used to irrigate the pots and the garden. If no excess water can be used to land a small charge and can be recharged.

Tags: waste, water, kitchen, oil, and, grease, trap, grey, reuse

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